How to make Chinese Chicken Manchurian

 Ingredients :
  1. Chicken Breast - 1 KG
  2. Garlic Chopped - 1 Medium Size
  3. White Vinegar - 4 1/2 TBSP
  4. Red Chili - 1 1/2 TSP
  5. Soy Sauce - 4 1/2 TSP
  6. Eggs - 4
  7. Capsicum - 3 Medium size
  8. Ketchup - 2 Mugs
  9. Corn Starch - 4 Mugs
  10. Sugar - 3 TSP
  11. Chinese Salt - 3 TSP
  12. Salt - 1 1/2 TSP
  13. Black Pepper - 1 1/2 TSP
  14. Water

Refer to the video for Directions.

Note for Making:
  • Mix Red chili and White Vinegar to make a paste
  • Add Salt for Chicken marination and Chinese Salt while making the sauce
  • Use two mugs of water while making sauce
  • If you think the marinated chicken batter is hard or stiff, you can add another egg and a glass of water to make it a bit smooth
  • Fry chicken pieces one by one for about 4-5 minutes
  • While making batter use 1 mug of water (use another if needed)
  • You can add Green Onion (Sliced) with Capsicum. (my children don't like it so i didn't)
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